How Long Does a CR1 Spouse Visa Take?
If you are a United States citizen or permanent resident and want to qualify your spouse for immigration, you may need to apply for a CR-1 spouse visa. This visa allows foreign spouses to live and work in the U.S. But when do you need a CR-1 visa? What steps are involved, and how long will it take? Understanding these key aspects is crucial for successfully navigating the immigration process with your spouse.
How Long Will It Take for a CR-1 Spouse Visa?
A CR-1 spouse visa takes an average of ten months. But the processing time varies depending on where you live in the United States and whether you are a citizen or permanent resident. You can check processing times on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
What Is a CR-1 Visa?
A conditional resident (CR-1) visa is an immigrant visa that allows your spouse to enter the United States if you have been married for fewer than two years. Within ninety days of your second wedding anniversary, you and your spouse must apply for your spouse’s permanent residency. For details, see our CR1 Spouse Visa web page.
What Takes So Long?
Obtaining a CR-1 spouse visa takes time because the process includes several steps:
- Filing a Petition for Alien Relative, Form I-130
- Filing an Affidavit of Support
- Filing an Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application, Form DS-260
- Providing required civil documents, including passports, photographs, and birth and marriage certificates
- Your spouse’s interview with a consular officer in the country where they live
- Completing a medical examination and getting required vaccinations for entering the United States
What Can You Do to Reduce Delay Time?
You can help reduce delay time by reading instructions carefully and ensuring your application and documentation are thorough and complete. The U.S. Department of State notes that many spousal visa applications are delayed because “applicants do not follow instructions carefully.”
Create a CR-1 checklist
Many successful applicants create checklists for every phase of the CR-1 visa process to ensure they have the documentation and paperwork required. You may choose to keep a physical or digital checklist with due dates and completion dates.
Some items to include:
- Forms to complete
- Documentation required for each form, including civil documents
- Application fees
- National Visa Center checklist
- CR-1 medical exam checklist
- CR-1 interview checklist
Need Help With the CR1 Visa Process?
If you need assistance with the CR-1 visa process, an immigration attorney can help you increase accuracy and minimize delays. In San Antonio, Texas, schedule a consultation with Attorney Lisa Wogwu. You will get compassionate, patient service as you work to bring your spouse to the United States.